Thursday, October 17, 2019

Psychological and Physiological Benefits of Physical Exercise Essay

Psychological and Physiological Benefits of Physical Exercise - Essay Example Physical activity is mainly undertaken to attain and sustain a healthy body weight. Its benefits incorporate a healthy mind, mood and improved general health of an individual. According to Gledhill (2007), the physiological and psychological significance of exercise are relevant to the current society. This is because sedentary lifestyles affect the health of the public leading to increased costs. Moreover, lifestyle diseases that can be prevented such as diabetes, coronary heart diseases and cancers have become frequent. This has amplified the mortality rates. The collective effects of inactive lifestyles, physical inactivity and excessive calorific intake significantly contribute to compromised health state. Furthermore, these trends lead to increased pervasiveness of obesity in developed nations. According to Gledhill (2007 p. 57), scientific evidence indicates that lack of physical exercise is a major risk factor that contributes to mortality rates, age related complications and compromised mental performance. Consequently, physical exercise has both psychological and physiological benefits that improve the overall health of a person (Gledhill 2007). Psychological benefits of exercise The psychological aspects of physical exercise are clear in the affiliation between the body’s physical movements and a person’s mental and emotional health. The biological fitness of a person influences their behaviour and mood. Consequently, an undisputed link exists between physical exercise and the psychological well-being. Psychologically, exercise triggers the release of vital hormones that promote the mental and emotional processes. Gledhill (2007) affirms that physical fitness stimulates the nerves; thus, enhancing glandular secretion. This helps to increase vivacity, speed, aesthetic appeal and physical agility. During exercise, critical endorphin hormones are released in the body (Fox, Biddle, & Boutcher 2002). These natural hormones make one feel energ ised and optimistic. Moreover, the endorphins block pain creating euphoric feelings in the brain cells. This is necessary for people coping with emotional or physical pain. Endorphins are mainly produced during stressful times; furthermore, they compliment the adrenaline hormones. Therefore, exercises are effective means of maintaining high spirits and motivation because it is a natural anti-depressant (Gledhill 2007). In addition to aiding mental recreation, physical exercise reduces anxiety by boosting a person’s mood (Buckworth & Dishman 2002). It promotes a general wellbeing in all the psychological functioning of an individual. For this reason, therapists employ it as a remedial treatment of anxiety neuroses, depression and mental illnesses (Buckworth & Dishman 2002). Therefore, maintenance of overall fitness is a vital component of promoting self-esteem and self-efficacy among individuals. This is because through exercise, moods are contained; thus, enabling a person to attain their goals efficiently (Fox, Biddle, & Boutcher 2002). Another psychological benefit is the promotion of IQ levels and cognitive alertness in individuals. Regular exercise improves short-term memory that improves fluid intelligence. This process boosts verbal reasoning and mental constructs that are vital in psychological health. Besides, exercise leads to the regeneration of new cells in the brain by facilitating

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